Link Love

It's been a long time since I've done a Link Love around here. Mostly because my online reading has plummeted in the past several months, but partially because I want to be very choosey about what I share and to not share links simply because they exist. At last, though! I have gathered a few here and there that you might enjoy—or need—as much as I did. 

My dear friend Danica from back home in Upstate New York has kept a blog for years. I mostly puruse it for glimpses of the growing kids or their sprawl of land, but she wrote this post this week and I knew I wanted to share it. It is so excellent on the subject of Christ at home in us and in our home. 

Moving so much has given me deep desire to declutter, and also great pleasure in it. I'm not a minimalist—we live in this world, and like the poet said, "Love calls us to the things of this world." But this article from the Boston Globe talks about the mastery of stuff so many live under. 

This advice from Lewis to a schoolgirl on writing stands true today. All of it. 

Scott Sauls is pastor in Nashville, but he's also got a pastoral gift that stands out among men in my theological circles. He never fails to shepherd his readers into the corral of what Psalm 16 calls the "pleasant boundaries" of God's best. This piece on shame is an excellent example. 

One of my favorite musicians is putting together a commemorative show on one of my heroes of faith: Rich Mullins. Nate and I can't go (and are not a little heart-broken about it), but if you can still get tickets, you should go! If you can't travel to Nashville for this, though, make a plan to attend Andrew's Behold the Lamb show in December. It will probably be in a city near you and is one of my favorite Advent traditions.

This is it for now, friends. I hope one or all of these pieces bless, encourage, challenge, or strengthen you in some way today. If you find you need some not-so-bad-for-you Chocolate Cake to help you along, I made this last night and it was okay. Not great, but okay. The recipe called for honey and that's what I used, but I think I might add a bit more next time. My philosophy, that I just now am making up, is: if you're going to make a chocolate cake, it might as well taste good. Click here for the recipe if that's your thing.