Link Love

The Way God Conducts Us: SAVED THROUGH CHILDBEARING? PERHAPS WE ALL ARE IN THE END. When I arrived at home, I felt distracted, harried, mentally and emotionally shaky. The last several weeks’ travel had displaced my equilibrium. When one of my housemates suggested we have a leisurely dinner to catch up, I tried to forestall any expectations, replying by text message that I could only spare an hour before I had to get back to grading papers.

God is Merciful to Not Tell Us Everything God is merciful not to tell us everything. He tells us enough to sustain us if we trust him, but often that does not feel like enough. We really think we would like to know more.

12 Ways to Make and Keep Friends This begins to get to the core of the problem: our sinful desire for control. We want friendships on our timetable, our terms of agreement. We do not want friendships that would move us out of our comfort zone.

Serial: the best drama you won't see on TV The high school scene, the shifting statements to police, the prejudices, the sketchy alibis, the scant forensic evidence - all of it leads back to the most basic questions: How can you know a person’s character? How can you tell what they’re capable of? In Season One of Serial, she looks for answers.

My Favourite Faded Fantasy This album drops on November 10th and I can't wait. It is possibly the most flawless (musically, lyrically, and cohesiviely) album I've heard in years. And worth the eight year wait.

This series from my church has been profoundly convicting for me (both the men's portion and the women's). Grateful for a church that helps us recognize sin patterns in our hearts and helps us flourish in the hope of the gospel. This past week's sermon was particularly convicting for me, one who struggles profoundly with perfectionism. I've shared it a few times, but here's once more.

A Beautiful Design (Part 8) - Woman's Hurdles from The Village Church on Vimeo.