Link Love

Getting Out of the Man Box by Thabiti AnyabwileSometimes the expectations and discussions among evangelical men sounds hauntingly familiar to plain old “patriarchy”–which I use as a pejorative, a term capturing 1950s-style subjugation of women and unfettered male dominance. I know not everyone uses the term that way, but I do and it’s difficult for me to hear it with a positive ring.

An Inside Look at a New Generation of Pastors, interview with Matt Chandler Is there a climate of hiding and trying to be pretty, or is there a climate of "I've fallen short. I need the grace of God as much today as I did five years ago"? And that's really the the climate we want to create in regards to how we do group life here, the stories we celebrate, testimonies that are given from the stage.

Pray for Your Wife Challenge, by Mike Leake May we not only pray for our wives this month but may we nurture our wives in such a way that the Lord will use us to answer those very prayers.

Daily Writing Benefits, by Ken Davis Writing is a focused activity that keeps distractions at bay long enough for you to explore wonders of the past. Sometimes it is frightening, sometimes wonderful and almost always beneficial.

What's at Stake with Internet Pornography, by Russell Moore We agree with those—often even secular feminists with whom we disagree on much—who say that a pornographic culture hurts women and children through the objectification of women, the trafficking of children, and the commodification of sex.

We're All Virgins Now, by Tim Challies God does not look upon his people as non-virgins and virgins, spoiled and unspoiled, defiled and undefiled. He does not see two classes of people: those who have waited to experience sex within marriage and those have not. So why do we? Why do we obsess about those who have experienced sexual intercourse and those who have not, like this remains a matter of the utmost significance? Why is this the one sin in the whole pantheon of sin that forever marks a person, that forever changes their status?